quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2008

Wonderland (or Nightmareland)

I had one of the most terrifying experiences of my life last Sunday, when we went to the Wonderland I haven’t been in an amusement park for, maybe, twelve years. As soon as we arrived, people decided to go to Behemoth, the new roller coaster that is the biggest one in Canada. When you are there, it stars to go up, up, up, and when you are so high, it falls. And find some nice videos in the net if anyone wants to see how it is. This animation gives you the point of view of the first car. This video in you tube was recorded there and I screamed as much as this guy.
But as scaring as the Behemoth is the Drop Tower. You can see how it is in these videos (this or this). You just fall from a 230 feet height! My hands were shaking so much after that. Look at this picture after we had felt.

However, the other rides and plays were very nice and I enjoyed a lot my day. I met two Saudi Arabs guys and a Vietnamese that were very nice. These pictures were sent by Neo and Tony and by Maria.

There were some plays that you really get wet, and we were lucky that the weather was nince, although the water was very, very cold.

The picture above is from the play that we went. The picture below is us after going in that play.

3 comentários:

Meggie LEE disse...

I was in the water park mostly since i cannot take any ride outside of water park.. ^^;

Next time, when you have a chance to go Wonderland, visit water park. It's great and very big. You should prepare swimming suit to go in, but rides in the park is also amazing... I'm bit sorry that I could not hang out with you and others as well... Hope to have another chance. .^^ Chao~

Maria disse...

I can ride behemont a thousand times!!... but I will NEVER ever, ever, eeeeever play drop tower again!!!!!!! =S

Don disse...

No drop tower for me, but Fabiola likes that kind of stuff. I'm guessing that Nathalie will, too.