quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008

Toronto X Montreal

On August 4th Holiday, Paula and I travelled to Montreal, where we spent three days. It was a very nice trip and we enjoyed a lot, although the weather was not good, and it rained a bit. However, I was talking to her that I like most of Toronto than Montreal, even though people used to say to me that Montreal was nicer. I don’t know if it is because I have been living for more than a month here in Toronto and I already have a special feeling about this city. I have lived for two months in Madrid last year and it was sort of the same thing, because at the end I could say that I liked more of Madrid than Barcelona, although everybody else preferred then capital of Cataluña, which is actually more exuberant.
Montreal is a nice city and has the neighborhood called “Old Montreal” which is really beautiful. However, I think that some people like Montreal because it looks like Paris. It’s true, in Montreal you have a “quartier latin” with many restaurants and coffee-bars just like you have in Paris and even a subway station imitates the French “metropolitan” (photo). But if you have ever been in Paris, Montreal is not as charming as it might be. It’s different from Quebec City, for example, that I think it has its own personality. I spend just one day there and enjoyed a lot. Even if they have a castle that was actually built in the beginning of the 20th century, Quebec doesn’t look like a Canadian copy of an European city. Its blue grayish house roofs were really pretty (photo). And finally, some things that Montreal has, Toronto also has. Between Montreal Tower (which is really nice and was built for the 1976 Olympic Games - photo) and CN Tower, I prefer the latter, which is also higher than the first. The Chinatown in Toronto is also bigger – and more interesting – that the Montreal’s one. But I don’t want it to sound like I if disliked Montreal. I liked a lot of the Cinémathéque of Montreal, for example, much better than the Ontario Cinémathéque in Toronto, which is just a screening room, even if it’s a real good one. And I liked a lot of the houses in Sherbrook Street, which were really beautiful too.

Um comentário:

Don disse...

Well, they used to say that you could have more fun dead in Montreal than alive in Toronto. I would say that Toronto used to be, about 15-20 years ago, a much more boring place than it is even today. It was just an outpost of the English empire, where everything closed at 5 p.m. and everyone (that means, all the English) went to church on Sunday.

But then, with all the uncertainty about Quebec separating from Canada over that time, a lot of people left Montreal and came here (well, everyone in Canada comes here if they leave their home; that's traditional, but they all hate it). Until just a few years ago, Montreal was so much cheaper than here to live, too. Now it's not anymore. Too bad.