segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2008

coming back home

It’s almost the day of my return to Brazil. On Saturday, just after the end of YUELI course, I will take a flight back to Brazil. These two months in Canada were a very good experience, but it’s time to return. I have so many things to do in Brazil and some many things waiting for me in my job… I have had a very heavy routine in Rio in the last few years, working and studying, taking more than one hour to arrive at my job every day, and an opportunity like this one I had of coming here to study in English is also some kind of vacation. Actually, I had to use my vacation to be allowed to come here, but this change in routine is also good. Taking exactly 5 minutes to arrive in the classroom from my residence bedroom, for example, is something that I really appreciate. Here in Canada, although we had a lot of homework, I had much more free time than I usually have in Brazil. I could see a lot of movies in dvd that I never have time to see at home. During the weekdays I’m very busy and the weekends end so fast… Of course that I miss a lot of things, like my girlfriend, my family (my five years old niece), my friends etc. And this kind of thing of living in other country, in a strange place, meeting people that you don’t know very well is Ok for some time. I start missing my house, my bedroom, my stuff. Two months is a good time to spent out of you country. It’s enough time to get to know well a city, to be used with the routine, to experiment different foods, to see many places, and, finally, to return home before you get very tired of those things. I’m starting to get tired of the food I’m eating here (oriental food, junkie food, cookies, cesar salads etc). Of course that after same time in Brazil I will also be tired of Brazilian food, of my house, of my routine, but then it would be time to take another vacation.

2 comentários:

martha disse...

Y miss you too,

Don disse...

Five minutes from my room to class sounds good to me, too. Too bad it takes me an hour . . .

I know that if I did something like that myself, these days, I would not be able to eat like a student for two months!

Thanks for being in the class, Rafael!

Have a good trip home, and good luck!