quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008

Surprise in Montreal

Something unexpected has happened to me and Paula when we are in Montreal. We were leaving the subway station to go to the Montreal Tower when a group of Chinese came to us and asked “metro?”. As we were in front of it, we just pointed it, but they didn’t move. I didn’t care to them and I was taking a picture when they asked again: “metro?”. I really suspected that it was something odd, but I didn’t know what to do. I started walking with Paula, but they came after us. When we stopped, they also stopped. The group was not reallly "normal". They were five or six person of different ages; all of them dressed like people usually think that tourists are dressed (colorful shirts, cameras on their necks, safari hats etc). When we looked at them, the same girl who has talked to us before just repeated: “metro?”. Paula even put her used subway ticket on the Chinese man’s pocket as they insisted following us. Finally, one of them came to us and said: It’s “just for laughs”. Another girl with sunglasses and a paper on her hand also came to us from another side smiling. I won’t say that I really knew what had happened, but I did had an idea, because I had seen a strange tent that I thought it would be the place where a TV camera could be hidden. But even knowing that it was a joke, you cannot know what to do. It’s impossible not to be embarrassed. I thought that people were usually paid to accept this kind of play, but the girl asked us to sign an image use authorization and didn’t give us any money… I signed it anyway, because as it had had already happened, at least I would try to be good-humored about it. They told me that it would be shown on TV just in 2009, but I hope nobody will remember to see us in “Just for laugh”. Well, at least I can say that I have participate of something very Canadian during my stay here.

Um comentário:

Don disse...

I see that program every once in a while. Or at least, I see a couple of minutes of it -- it doesn't strike me as all that funny. And yeah, that sounds like the sort of thing that they would do. Well, if I see the program again I'll look for you.

But there are funnier Canadians. Check this out:
